Andy Bates Electrical Engineer


Motor Controller

Weight Dropper

Soft Start V2


Soft Start V1


Work Experience

  • Microsemi

    • Protocol analysis between hard drives and RAID controllers

    • Computer systems debugging to resolve hardware problems

    • Modifying firmware to run specific prebuilt tests

  • AUvic

    • Developed firmware for the STM32F0 MPU using Peripherals such as Timers (PWM in & out), USART, I2C, GPIO, RCC, DAC, and ADC

    • Developed two circuits on Altium using SVN to save components

    • Used PIC MCU to build circuits

  • Nokia

    • Primarily used Python on the Django framework

    • Helped to maintain an automated testing suite, lots of bug fixes

    • Utilized Linux every day gaining experience with Bash

  • SSI

    • Built a PHP based website which heavily relied on a database

    • Built a website completely using JavaScript without the aid of a server

    • Wrote my own SQL scripts and modified the database

    • Learned how to work as a team, especially using repo’s

About me